Register 5 Seats Remaining
Join us to celebrate National Make a Friend Day at this fun event designed to help you meet new people!
Connect with fellow library-goers and discover shared interests. Plus, enjoy a relaxing coloring station where you can unleash your creativity while chatting and bonding with new friends. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
¡Únase a nosotros para celebrar el Día Nacional de Hacer un Amigo en este divertido evento diseñado para ayudarte a conocer gente nueva!
Conéctate con otros usuarios de la biblioteca y descubre intereses compartidos. Además, disfruta de una relajante zona para colorear donde puedes dar rienda suelta a tu creatividad mientras conversas y estableces vínculos con nuevos amigos. Se proporcionarán refrigerios y aperitivos.
Founded in 1973, the award-winning Warren-Newport Public Library serves a population of approximately 60,000 within a 55-square mile area. The library offers books, movies, and music in the collections and engaging programs for all ages. WNPL also provides many educational and entertaining online resources, including ebooks, eaudiobooks, streaming media and research databases.